Lifting the Emotional Embargo

Ruth Behar

Bridge Report: The Sea and the Ceiba

Bridge Report: The Sea and the Ceiba

Now and then we try to offer a “bridge report” in between monthly posts, and this month we are delighted to share Ruth’s thoughtful, poetic piece in Cuba Counterpoints on the ways that the normalization of political ties between Cuba and the U.S. has affected lives...

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Poems on Leaving Havana

Poems on Leaving Havana

Dear Readers: Season’s greetings and best wishes for a loving, healthy, and meaningful 2016. With the rush of the holidays upon us all, we decided to forego a full-length blog post this month. Instead, here are a couple of poems we hope you’ll have time to read and...

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A Thank You and A Little Chronicle of Our Trip to Cuba

A Thank You and A Little Chronicle of Our Trip to Cuba

Dear Friends of Bridges to/from Cuba: First of all, we want to thank all of you who contacted us about your enthusiasm for our project. We were moved that several of you wrote to us within moments after we launched our site on June 8th. It was thrilling to hear that...

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Gracias y una pequeña crónica de nuestro viaje a Cuba

Gracias y una pequeña crónica de nuestro viaje a Cuba

Querid@s Amig@s de Puentes hacia/desde Cuba: Antes que nada, queremos darles las gracias a todos los que nos escribieron comunicándonos su entusiasmo por nuestro proyecto. Nos conmovió que algunos nos escribieran en los primeros momentos después de lanzar el sitio web...

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Isla a Isla

Isla a Isla

En el espíritu de todo aquello que esperamos que signifique y represente este blog, hemos construido un puente entre dos de nuestros poemas. Un gesto simbólico que apunta al puente de nuestra amistad, el puente de nuestra escritura hacia la Cuba del pasado, el puente...

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Island to Island

Island to Island

In the spirit of all we hope this blog means and represents, we have bridged together two of our poems into one. A symbolic gesture of the bridge of our friendship, the bridge of our writing into the Cuba of the past, the bridge of our imagination stretching into the...

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Email Bridges to Cuba

Ruth Behar, author and creator of Bridges to Cuba
Richard Blanco, poet and creator of Bridges to Cuba
Macondo: A Homeland for Writers

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